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Illumio remporte le prix XCellence pour l'exécution des conseils d'administration lors de la conférence MSP XChange

Illumio is excited to be the winner of the XCellence Award for Boardroom Execution at this August’s XChange conference hosted by The Channel Company.  


XChange is an opportunity for managed service providers (MSPs) to learn about technology solutions they can offer customers as part of their tech portfolios. MSPs attend sessions called boardroom appointments at XChange where they hear from tech suppliers about their offerings. 

MSP attendees chose Illumio’s boardroom sessions as having the most relevant topic, best delivery, and best overall engagement.  

During the session, Illumio’s Ryan Ikeler and Ben Harel, heads of MSP/MSSP and IR, shared how Zero Trust Segmentation should fit into MSPs’ strategy and how Illumio can help MSPs offer breach risk reduction to their customers in minutes. 

Cyber insurance carriers are losing money from cyberattacks

The interest in Illumio’s Zero Trust Segmentation platform reflects the exponential increase in ransomware in the last few years – and its potentially devastating impact on small to midsize businesses. 

The unfortunate truth is that breaches are inevitable. Protection at the perimeter is no longer enough to secure today’s sprawling hybrid networks

2020 was the first year insurance carriers lost money on cyber coverage due to the dramatic rise in breaches at the beginning of the pandemic. And the number of cyberattacks has only gone up since then. One breach of a small or midsize business can cause significant harm

MSPs look for host-based segmentation services 

Now, insurance carriers and businesses alike are looking for any solution that will reduce restoration costs, decrease attack blast radius, and prevent re-infection after an attack. 

And MSPs want a way to reduce churn due to cyberattacks infecting their portfolio. With more MSSPs moving into the SMB space that MSPs have traditionally dominated, Illumio puts MSPs in a unique position to set up new security offerings based on best practices defined by CIS and NIST

With CIS and NIST recommending segmentation for smaller organizations, there is a big opportunity for MSPs to capitalize by implementing host-based segmentation services that don't require any investment in hardware. 

Zero Trust Segmentation offers a way for security teams of all sizes to microsegment their network. This allows them to control control traffic durring a breach and stop the spread of a breach before they occur. In turn, businesses can stay cyber resilient in the face of today’s rampant cybercrime.  

Illumio’s Zero Trust Segmentation platform allows businesses to gain: 

  • Instant visibility: See network traffic and how applications are communicating with each other. Shut down old or unnecessary connections between applications.  
  • Breach risk reduction: Create fine-grained security policies to kill all protocols used by ransomware and instantly stop its spread. Re-architect the network without touching the physical layer, protecting clients from disruptive network outages. 
  • Control of administrative access: Prevent open access to administrative resources, protect appliances that cannot have agents, and stop attackers from infecting backups, ESXi, Hyper-V, switches, etc. 
  • Microsegmentation of critical applications: Control all access to critical applications, lock line-of-business (LOB) apps, and ensure critical applications aren’t accidentally exposed. 

Add Illumio to your MSP security portfolio 

With businesses more aware of cyberattacks’ impact than ever, it’s time for MSPs to include a Zero Trust Segmentation solution in their portfolio. 

Illumio makes it easy for MSPs to put an easy-to-use Zero Trust Segmentation platform into the hands of their customers by offering: 

  • Sign and start 
  • No minimums 
  • No commitments 
  • Monthly billing 
  • Billed only on usage 
  • Automatic volume discounts 
  • Pay with a credit card 
  • Multi-tenant portal 

Learn more about Illumio’s MSP program by visiting our program page

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Supposez Breach.
Minimisez l'impact.
Augmentez la résilience.

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